
Primary School

The British School of Brasilia builds on the secure foundations of our EYFS programme to provide an increasingly challenging platform for our primary pupils. 
While the English National Curriculum provides the core of our programme, we go beyond its limitations.

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Our objective is not merely to ensure that every child experiences the same curriculum but instead to create the opportunity for individuals to excel in the areas where they have special interest or ability.

The BSF Integrated Curriculum is composed of three key elements that are interrelated and ensure that every child is achieving their personal and academic potential.  

The Personal Development Programme
Our commitment to the personal development of pupils has resulted in a set of initiatives carefully designed to promote our core values of independence, decency, courage, awareness, presence, self discipline, leadership and teamwork. 

Pupils are presented with opportunities to shape their school environment and contribute positively to the school community through our Pupil Voice and School Service and Leadership Programmes.

Every child takes an active role in representing and supporting their House in regular competitions. An outward bounds programme is launched in Year 4 with a focus towards adventure and building resilience in the face of new challenges or experiences. 

The Core Curriculum 
We adopt an uncompromising approach to the teaching of English, Maths, Science and Portuguese to ensure all pupils have a strong academic foundation from which to flourish. 
Our core curriculum is based on the English National Curriculum which is enriched and adapted to our context. The objectives that it sets out are considered a minimum requirement for all of our pupils. 

Progress and attainment is measured annually through standardised testing with a detailed report provided to all parents. 
We place great importance on Portuguese and we aim for all pupils to acquire a high level of fluency and confidence in speaking, reading and writing. 

The Extended Curriculum 
Pupils select from a range of project based modules designed to offer a broad and rich curriculum experience. The programme not only meets the requirements of the ENC but is designed to identify and extend the passions and interests of our student body. 

Learning is not limited to the classroom. Lessons are planned to be both engaging and challenging, expecting pupils to think critically and take increasing ownership and responsibility for their work. 

Specialist teachers in our Arts, Sports and Language departments may be supplemented by professional musicians, coaches and outside expertise to ensure children thrive and enjoy an education of the highest quality.

Mentoring in Primary School 
The mentoring programme is central to our whole approach and it ensures that each and every child receives the individual guidance and support required to make excellent progress both personally and academically. 

All of our teaching staff take an active role and each member of the team is responsible for a small number of pupils whom they meet with on a daily basis. This ensures strong, positive relationships are developed not only between staff and pupil but also enables more focussed communication between home and school. This is particularly helpful for new families that join our school and pupils often remark how quickly they feel at home at BSB. 

A key focus of our mentors is to encourage all pupils to value academic and personal achievement as the reward for hard work and perseverence. A positive ‘can-do’ attitude is encouraged in every member of the community. 

While our pupils enjoy an element of choice in their curriculum experience, it is guided by their mentors ensuring that they make increasingly well considered decisions that directly influence their choices. 

Our Primary Curriculum is designed to ensure that every pupil is well prepared for the challenges of Secondary School at BSB.